How To Make Gabion Baskets

First,you need to buy some wires,usually we call it sprial wire.Lay out a length of the wire at thegabion site. If building on a bank, make sure the wire extends all the way up the edges of thebank.Trim the wire as needed with wire cutters. The size and shape of this wire will determine thesize and shape of your gabion. Make the layout of wire about twice the size of the gabion youintend to build, as you will eventually fold the wire over itself,and then line the entirety of the wirewith a layer of chicken wire.
Second, load a wheelbarrow full of large, medium-size and small rocks. Collect enough rocks tospread over the length of your gabion.Fill the top part of the gabion -- the part nearest the areayou wish to protect from erosion -- with rocks by shoveling them from the barrow. Create aneven layer of rocks about 6 inches to 1 foot high and 2-to-3 feet wide across the length of thegabion.Spread a layer of sand or soil over the rocks, allowing it to fill the crevices between them.
Pat down the soil with a shovel.

Lastbut not least,enclose the rocks by folding the remaining length of wire over them.Fasten thewire that is covering the rocks to the wire under the rocks by tying the layers together withlengths of thick wire cut from wire coat hangers.
Then you will see a Gabion basket filled with rocks.As times fly,you will see the grass grow.

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